Dealing with merge chaos

Did you ever got a diff like this? Chaotic right? File had 155 lines. 134 lines got deleted. 159 lines added. Effectively, everything changed. This commonly »

Giving JUnit something like TestNG.@BeforeSuite

JUnit is the Undisputed King of Java unit test Libraries. TestNG has a way more compreensive lifecycle management using @Before/@After annotations. If you wanna know »

Release automation

Which is faster: pushing a new release to maven central OR bloging about release automation? Well, I can’t write about it under 2 minutes »

Testing feign clients

Do you know netflix feign? No? You should! In short, feign is a quick and easy way to write a client for APIs. You can even »

Zero effort API client

Recently I start using Netflix feign to write clients to access third party APIs (thank you for the hint Becker) On Feign you describe your client »

How to build a speedy and stable Eclipse

Eclipse can be a major source of pain. Instabilities, poor performance, memory usage issues, new version migration, in short, life is too short to use Eclipse. »

Query Optimization 101

On this post, I will show what I usually do to optimize queries. My database of choice is postgreSQL, but the same principles can be apply »

Quering JSON using hibernate

I started a new pet project, hibernate-native-jon It allows to read/write, query and generate DDL for JSON. It can convert an object to JSON / JSON »

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud »

How to ban classes?

I love catching problems at compile time. This week I came across an odd situation. I need to make sure nobody was using »