Which is faster: pushing a new release to maven central OR bloging about release automation?

Well, I can’t write about it under 2 minutes =D
Who is rultor?
@rultor is a bot that automates routine operation on github repositories. It can automate pull request merges, deploy and release (which is the one I’m presenting here).
Rultor is opensource and written in java.
How does it work?
Rultor has it’s own yml file, where you add the steps towards a release.
- mvn versions:set "-DnewVersion=${tag}"
- git commit -am "${tag}"
- mvn deploy -Pci -B -Prelease --settings ../settings.xml -Dgpg.homedir=..
For most of my opensource activity I need only 3 steps:
Update pom’s version
commit change
run maven deploy
The release profile will take care of generating sources and javadoc files, sign everything with gpg, stage artifacts at sonatype and release staged artifacts.
Wait a minute, staging requires passwords and gpg your private keys, where this all come from?
True, all that is manage on rultor.yml assets section.
secring.gpg: velo/.assets#maven/secring.gpg
settings.xml: velo/.assets#maven/settings.xml
pubring.gpg: velo/.assets#maven/pubring.gpg
This instructs rultor to download this files from my private .assets repository.
To release, just create a new issue with:
@rultor release, tag=`1.6.0`
If everything goes ok rultor will create a tag with that release as well.
One last tip, since this rultor, travis, maven and all other commonly used tool code boilerplate is repetitive, I created a boilerplate project for maven.
It may or may not be a good idea for you to have one as well.